Monday, October 24, 2011

A Convenient Post

Hey U.S.-Americans!

Ok, so like, imagine your dad is a California Senator. And he has ideas. Well, one big idea, to be exact. Imagine if I told you this dad could tackle the energy crisis, illegal immigration, obesity, and even the language barrier under one platform. If you have a picture of him and this whole scenario in your mind, that's good and all but very soon I'll make it wayyyy easier for you once you see film I worked on this summer, "A Convenient Truth." That's me below, as the aforementioned Senator's daughter, "Eleanor."

Truly a Bristol Palin if she had short hair, I took this role very seriously (except for the pregnancy thing). Don't be too concerned if you can't quite discern where the acting and improving ends and the reality begins.

But really, I can't show you footage from the movie yet, because my dad (the Senator) would be really annoyed if it leaked on the internet before it was finished. So hang on tightly to the imagined version you made up in your mind and get ready for the real version to exceed your expectations later on.

In the meantime, check out the awesome production company that believed in my dad's message:

And follow the movie's progress during post production on Twitter: @ConTruthMovie

I know you're on Twitter, don't lie to me.



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